Miles Crossing Shop

Astoria Makers like most businesses have been forced to look at how they do business given our new reality.  We’ve had a chance to look at our current operation and evaluate where we are and where we want to go.  What we decided to do going forward boiled down to three main areas of focus:

  • Maintain our presence in downtown Astoria by keeping our primary design office at 1010 Duane St. and partner with local retailers to display our original design products

  • Develop our online store to sell our products 

  • Consolidate all production at one location in our original building at Miles Crossing

We have several advanced fabrication tools that have not been utilized and with this move we can make significant progress to develop larger original design productions.

We look forward to continuing making laser-cut lights (current and new designs), small batch fabrication projects and new furniture designs using our advanced fabrication tools.  Keep an eye on us, we’re going to do some amazing work!

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